Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Make No Mistakes Around Wade Boggs

Baseball Hall of Famer Wade Boggs participated in a fishing tournament in Florida and was neck 'n' neck with Ex-Denver Bronco Mark Cooper for overall lead in the Celebrity Division. On the final day, the two ended up in a tie. Boggs caught two fish, while Cooper caught one on the final day. Tournament director Gary Ellis mistakenly awarded Cooper with the victory, basing his decision on time. Boggs was not happy.
At the awards ceremony at the Westin Key West, when hearing the news, Boggs was quoted as saying, “I caught two fish and you caught one and you win?” He then grabbed the trophy and ran out of the room.
Ellis would admit mistake and call Boggs that he was the winner. This tournament, which was being run for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation nonetheless, has been marred by crybaby Wade Boggs. We're guessing after he left the fishing tournament, he went and beat his 5 year old nephew in checkers. Wade Boggs must win.

Boggs Isn't Leaving Until He Gets His [ / via]

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