Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Rob The Cradle

So you’re a 55 year old man and you’re looking for an excuse to start dating 20 year old women, but you’re afraid of being branded a pervert? If you can get ‘em, you should bone ‘em. At least that’s what a recent study is saying.

Women often lose their reproductive capacity around age 50, but if men can still reproduce into their 70s, Darwin would say it's advantageous for males to live longer lives providing they can hook up with a woman capable of reproducing. Natural selection should favor longevity-boosting genes, which would get passed down from fathers to both sons and daughters. So women would benefit as well in future generations, the scientists say.

Result: Over time, the older-guy-with-younger-gal lifestyle would lift the lifespan ceiling for both men and women in the next generations and so on.

I don’t know about you, but I didn’t process any of that. I’m still daydreaming about being 60 and dating 25 year old women. If all it takes to raise the life expectancy of humans is to have children with 25 year old women when I’m 60 years old, I’m all for it. I mean at least doing the act of reproduction. Who wants kids when you’re 60? Is this study paying for the kids and taking care of them? Because I’ll certainly be too busy "attempting" to reproduce to be raising any kids.

Hugh Hefner Attempting to Raise Life Expectancy, Probably As You Read [Yahoo.com]

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