Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Drug Smuggler Calls Cops for Help

Continually you will hear about criminal masterminds, but most of the time the only smart thing they do is avoid police officers. Well, one man thought he would change all that. Leroy Carr called Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents on August 7 to report that two backpacks he had stashed near the border containing 31 kilograms of cocaine were missing.

Seriously? When you stash cocaine somehwere and can't find it, try LOOKING HARDER! When you involve police, you are just looking to get laughed at in prison. I mean if you happen to get busted flying a DC-1o plane from Columbia to the U.S. under the radar and an Army helicopter sees you, that is bad luck. When you call the police to help you look for drugs you misplaced, that is you becoming your cellmate's "lady friend."

Money, Drugs, no Brains. []

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