Friday, September 14, 2007

YouTube Class Now Being Offered

A liberal arts college in California will be the first known college to offer a class on YouTube. Students will watch videos and make comments. They’ll also make their own videos and monitor the comments. When these students go to get a job when they graduate, YouTube studies should put them over the top.

Darren Grose, student at Pitzer College, said:

YouTube is a phenomenon that should be studied, you can learn a lot about American culture and just Internet culture in general.

Nice try, Darren. Do you think any of us bought that? You want to know what I learn from YouTube? Watching people blow things up with M-80s is hilarious. Don't give us this crap about "learning about American culture." You just want to get credit hours for watching people blow things up. Admit it.

Facebook Class Is Probably Next []

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